General Session
Time Topic Speaker
8:00 - 9:00am Registration & Exhibition Showcase
9:00 - 9:45am Keynote: The State of Cloud Computing - Trends, Issues, Opportunities Michael Barnes, VP of Software and Asia Pacific Research, Springboard Research
9:45 - 10:15am Using Cloud Technologies to Deliver Online Customer Service  Mark Ross, Founder, CloudGarage (Former CIO of AIG & Sunlife)
10:15 - 10:50am Innovation and the Cloud Doug Farber , Managing Director, Enterprise, Google Asia Pacific 
10:50 - 11:10am Networking Break
11:10 - 11:45am

How Is Your E-mail And Web Security Measuring Up?   

Bjorn Engelhardt , VP APJ, Symantec Hosted Services 

11:45 - 12:20pm Transforming Information Technology To Deliver IT As A Service  Ed Lenta, General Manager, VMware ASEAN
12:20 - 1:00pm Interactive Q&A and Panel Discussion Springboard Research, Google, Symantec Hosted Services, VMware, Citrix Online, aZaaS
1:00 - 2:00pm Networking Lunch 
CIO & IT Decision Maker Session
Time Topic Speaker
2:00 - 2:45pm Cloud Computing Adoption Trends in Singapore Michael Barnes, VP of Software and Asia Pacific Research, Springboard Research
2:45 - 3:15pm Using and Choosing Cloud Software: From start-up
to thriving global SME with the Cloud  
Conor Bracken, CEO, Andovar Pte Ltd 
3:15 - 3:35pm Networking Break
3:35 - 4:05pm Transforming Information Technology to Deliver IT As A Service  Lee Poh Wah, Head of System Engineering, VMware ASEAN 
4:05 - 4:35pm Industrialization of IT with Microsoft's Cloud  Tan Choon Ngee, Regional Director, aZaaS  
4:35 - 5:15pm Interactive Q&A and Panel Discussion  Springboard Research, VMware, Citrix Online, aZaaS
5:15 - 5:20pm Closing Remarks and Lucky Draw Springboard Research 
Partner Session
Time Topic Speaker
2:00 - 2:45pm Cloud Computing Adoption Trends and Channel Dynamics
in Singapore
Dane Anderson , CEO and EVP of Research, Springboard Research
2:45 - 3:15pm

Partnering with Google and the Google Apps Platform 

Richard Achee , Head, Mid-Market Sales, Enterprise, Google Asia Pacific
Josh Li , Enterprise Channel Manager, Enterprise, Google Asia Pacific
3:15 - 3:35pm Networking Break
3:35- 4:05pm Seeing Blue Skies Through The Clouds  Bjorn Engelhardt, VP APJ, Symantec Hosted Services 
4:05 - 4:50pm Interactive Q&A and Panel Discussion Springboard Research, Google, Symantec Hosted Services 
4:50 - 5:10pm Closing Remarks & Lucky Draw  Springboard Research