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“Springboard has done extremely well in helping us gain useful insights through their research. The knowledge of the Asia Pacific market coupled with the approachable project team contributed to the success of this project.”
Director- Public Sector
Fortune 100 Software Provider
This Springboard Research document analyzes the software as a service (SaaS) market in Singapore. Our market analysis is based on Springboard’s continuous tracking of the major trends and developments in Asia Pacific and interviews with senior executives at some of the leading software and SaaS vendors in the region. A key section of this report focuses on market data - including market size and growth forecasts - for key segments of Singapore’s enterprise SaaS market. In addition, through our survey of 85 CIOs and IT decision makers at large and SMB enterprises in Singapore, we have reviewed the levels of SaaS awareness, adoption and usage in more depth. We have also assessed publicly available information on IT companies, products, technologies and services in the country for a comprehensive 3D view of Singapore’s SaaS market.

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